Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

99.9% of the time, my children are forced to eat cereal for breakfast.
But at least it looks like this!

Growing up, my mother would NEVER let us eat sweetened cereal.
If we got a treat, it was LIFE cereal.
My sister and I vowed that we would be super cool parents and let our kids eat cereals like Fruity Pebbles and Capn' Crunch.
And now, when I ask my 10-year-old what cereal he would like for breakfast, he asks for Cheerios with a banana.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gingerbread House

This year I paid a little more for the house that was already put together.
The only way to go.
The kids only had to decorate.

Unfortunately, #3 felt that he wasn't getting enough opportunities with the icing and candy bits.
So he pouted a little bit and did Legos instead.

Looks awesome!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

The sugar cone Christmas trees went great.  We used canned frosting with a few drops of food coloring.  I gave each kid two cones and a plop of frosting with a plastic knife.  Then I put an assortment of sprinkles in little bowls.

Here's what we came up with:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Goodies

Christmas goodies are a comin'!

I've got quite a few ideas from Pinterest and can't wait to get started.  First up is this!

Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

We are making them Saturday night!

Pumpkin Muffins

Seriously, I didn't think these would be any good.  Man was I wrong.  These were amazing!

Pumpkin Muffins

Only 2 ingredients!  And somewhere on that site, I read that they are only like 3 points for Weight Watchers. I think that's good?

Monday, December 3, 2012

#5's Birthday Cake

I made #5's birthday cake for her 3rd birthday.  Here is the pic.  It was a box mix and I added a capful of almond flavoring to the batter and used 4 eggs instead of 3.  For the frosting I used Paula Deen's recipe for buttercream.  It was super yummy but not great for cakes.  (Wilton's buttercream recipe is just perfect for cakes.)  I got the edible image from a cake store nearby and the name is from those sugar sheets you can get at Hobby Lobby.  I won't do that again unless I have a Cricket to actually punch out the letters for me.  Goodness.

I just found this pic.
I'm not sure if I already posted about it or not.  
From #5's b-day back in August.