Monday, February 7, 2011

This Week 2/7/11

Yay!  I figured out how to post a link!  So, when I use a recipe that's been posted online somewhere, I will provide the link so you can check it out for yourself!

Wanna hear what I'm cooking this week?  I know you're on the edge of your seats reading this.  Be advised:  I'm kind of in a cooking slump.  Do you ever have one of those?  The past two weeks the snow has really thrown a wrench in my menu.  With the kids home during the day I would find myself preparing dinner at lunchtime and then at dinnertime I was trying to find something to fix.  Things got crazy I tell ya!

So, this week I'm preparing my old stand-by favorites:

Monday:  Leftover vegetable beef stew and cornbread (there is no link for this one but I DID post it a few months ago)
Tuesday:  Beef Stroganoff, green beans and crescent rolls (the tube kind...why re-invent the wheel, right?)
Wednesday:  Kohler Spaghetti, steamed broccoli, garlic breadsticks
Thursday:  Roast, carrots, noodles, green beans, crescent rolls

Friday:  hamburgers, tator tots and macaroni-n-cheese
Saturday:  Hot date
Sunday:  Wrestling Meet - I'm hoping to eat out afterward!

I think I'll throw in a couple nights of brownies, jello and maybe an apple pie. 

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