Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pasta Alla Besty (another way)

So, I've blogged about P-dub's Pasta Alla Betsy before.  It's a real treat in our house simply because I don't get to Costco more than once a month to get good shrimp.  Last week when making out the menu, I wrote that we would have Pasta Alla Betsy on Wednesday night.  My wonderful mommy-fried brain failed to remember that I actually needed shrimp for the recipe and around 5:00 when I started to cook, I realized the mistake.  The only meats I had on hand were red meat and some chicken breasts.  I opted for the chicken.  I sauteed it just like I would have done with the shrimp and followed the rest of the recipe.  It was really good!  Give it a whirl!

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