Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fried Squirrel

Over the weekend, my oldest 3 boys went hunting with their Daddy and Poppy.  Of the several things they managed to kill, one was a squirrel.  Sweet.  Thankfully, Poppy cleaned the squirrel and then sent it home so I could cook it up.  Last night, I did just that.  I didn't get a picture and I so wanted to!  I tossed the pieces in flour, salt, and pepper and then fried it like chicken.  There was so little meat on the bones, the boys had to chew around to even get a bite.  My oldest said it perfectly when he described eating squirrel:  if I was stranded in the forest and needed to eat to survive, I would eat a squirrel.  I bet it would taste better then.  And I bet he's right!  I'm not interested in cooking squirrel again, thanks.

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