Thursday, May 30, 2013

Beef Fajita Spaghetti

Last night I made beef fajita spaghetti.  It was so easy!  And most everyone liked it which is always a plus.  You prepare spaghetti noodles like normal.  You brown your meat of choice.  I used round steak cut into strips but you could any red meat except ground beef.  Well you could use ground beef but it might be strange.  So, brown the meat in a bit of oil.  Drain.  Then add sliced bell peppers.  I used red, orange and yellow.  Also add a sliced onion.   Brown that for a bit and then add the fajita seasoning and some water.  Cook until the veggies are good and tender and a little black like fajitas veggies should look.  That's it!  It was really good!

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