Sunday, October 6, 2013

Taking a Break

Trying to admit it to myself that I just don't have time to keep up with this blog.  Taking a break for a while...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Couple New

Roast in Crock-pot with a can of Dr. Pepper.  Shred the meat when tender and put on toasted rolls with provolone.  Awesome!

Another recipe we had recently was marinated shrimp in lime juice and cilantro.  Then we grilled them - so yum!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Tonight we had my spin on tostadas.

Corn tortillas - warmed in oven until crispy
Take out of oven and spread the following:
canned refried black beans - who knew?
ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning
shredded cheddar
Stick back into oven until cheese melts
Take out and top with:
shredded lettuce
black olives

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tomato and Mozz Salad with a Twist

Tomato and mozzarella salad - same as my last post but add a chopped up avocado.  Seriously?  Yumm

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tomato Mozzarella Salad

This is such a classic salad that I have recently rediscovered.  Since I have so many tomatoes right now, I was trying to think of other ways to use them.  We went to dinner at a friend's house the other night and she served a variation of it...which sparked my memory.

I normally slice cherry tomatoes in half.  Dice up the fresh ball of mozzarella.  Add some chopped fresh basil.  Drizzle some EVOO and good quality balsamic vinegar.  Oh and salt and pepper.

I could eat the stuff all day long.  Yum

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


As I've said before, we are dwindling down in our freezer beef.  Last night I made fajitas and used two soup bone cuts.  I cooked them slow on the stove top and then added a packet of fajita seasoning.  In another pot I cooked bell peppers and onions.  Then added them all together and turned the heat up really high to get a nice crispy edge.  I also hand shredded Monterrey jack cheese and pepper jack cheese for topping the fajitas and to mix into guac.  Oh and made a couple of cheese quesadillas (using gluten free corn tortillas) for the younger two boys.  It was yummmm!

PS - as I was making the fajitas, #5 drug the stool over so she could "help."  She asked what I was making and I told her fajitas.  She responded with, Oh I love mojitos!  Me too, baby girl, me too.

Friday, August 16, 2013


This year my garden, for the most part, has been producing really well.
We've had an abundance of cucumbers.
Lots of cherry tomatoes.
A few larger tomatoes.
And yesterday, this huge watermelon!
And it was very very good!