Tuesday, August 20, 2013


As I've said before, we are dwindling down in our freezer beef.  Last night I made fajitas and used two soup bone cuts.  I cooked them slow on the stove top and then added a packet of fajita seasoning.  In another pot I cooked bell peppers and onions.  Then added them all together and turned the heat up really high to get a nice crispy edge.  I also hand shredded Monterrey jack cheese and pepper jack cheese for topping the fajitas and to mix into guac.  Oh and made a couple of cheese quesadillas (using gluten free corn tortillas) for the younger two boys.  It was yummmm!

PS - as I was making the fajitas, #5 drug the stool over so she could "help."  She asked what I was making and I told her fajitas.  She responded with, Oh I love mojitos!  Me too, baby girl, me too.

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