The other day my sister told me my food blog was lame.
I think she meant that because I haven't posted in a long time.
Or maybe she meant it because it looks nothing like Tasty Kitchen?
Whatev, Sister.
Today I am showing you FRIED TROUT!
Growing up, the only fish ever ingested into my body was trout.
Fried Trout.
I was never offered or served any other type of fish.
In a restaurant though, I could never order the fish because my daddy said it would never be as good as what he made.
I believed him.
Fast-forward about 20 years and I'll tell you that I have indeed eaten Salmon and Sea Bass prepared at restaurants. But never trout.
Without realizing it, I'm doing the same thing to my children.
The only fish they've had in their short sweet lives is fried trout.
Prepared by my daddy.
Oh they've had the occasional fish stick (bla) but never eaten at Long John Silver's (though I do love that place and My Man does not).
The other day my boys requested some of Poppy's fish. I knew my parents were coming to our house that weekend and after a quick phone call, the trout was on it's way.
My dad is an avid fisherman so you can always find a bag of frozen trout in their deep freeze.
He brought it, I prepared it just like he does and fried it up for dinner.
I also made some hushpuppies.
A little dark on one end, they were still delish!
And please don't let the pic turn you away.
It was heavenly!