Friday, December 2, 2011

Ramsey Christmas

This weekend is our annual Ramsey Family Christmas.  It's when my dad's side of the family (his brothers and sister and everyone kids) come together, exchange gifts, eat, visit and just hang out.  I look forward to it each year because it's often the only time I see some of my cousins.  Thankfully Facebook has helped with maintaining contact and interaction!  This year, we'll be traveling to southern MO to my mom's hometown.  My aunt rents out a large reception-type hall.  There is a full kitchen and plenty of room for the kids.  I'm taking a couple of crafts for the kids to do and some footballs.  After we eat the cousins pile into one of the cars and head over to the gravesight of my beloved grandmother (dad's mom).  On the way there we usually talk about memories from years past and then put a grave blanket over her grave.  Last year the grave blanket was made from cedar branches and adorned with special ornaments and pictures that reminded us of Grandma.  This year, my sister found a lovely ornament that reminded us of all of Grandma's costume jewelry.  I can't wait to see my cousins and will miss the ones who can't make it this year.  I posted this in the food blog because I'm going to mention food.  I am taking a chocolate cherry cake and we are stopping in Jeff City to grab a pizza.  My aunt will have all the regular fixings of a down-home dinner like ham, potatoes, green beans, corn and bread.  The rest of us will each bring more food to add to that.  I can't wait!

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