Friday, July 26, 2013

White Wine Mushroom Chicken

I kind of made up a recipe last night - but nothing original just something I threw together.

Saute chicken breasts in olive oil.
In a separate pan, cook mushrooms in olive oil for about 20 minutes.
Add some white wine to the mushrooms and cook for a few more minutes.
Add two cloves of crushed garlic to the mushrooms.
Salt and pepper.
Then add some cream and butter to the mushrooms.
Then put chicken breasts into mushroom mixture and simmer about 10 minutes.
Serve over pasta - wheat free pasta if you want.
Very yummy!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Steak Fajitas

I made fajitas last night.  I've made them quite a few times before but no one would ever eat them besides My Man and I.  However, a couple months ago we took the kids to a mexican restaurant for dinner and told them they needed to order something that was not chicken strips and fries.  One ordered a taco, one ordered fajitas and two ordered cheese quesadillas.  (Little Miss still got to order chicken strips).

Everyone liked what they got and I gushed and made a big deal about the fact that they were growing up and broadening their pallet and all of that.

So when I told the kids I was making fajitas, I got a "yay!"  Everyone tried them and enjoyed them, though three of the boys picked out the onions and peppers.  Since we are transitioning to a gluten free household, I served corn tortillas.  Everyone seemed to like those.  #4 decided to try the onions and ended up loving those.  #1 will put all the stuff on his fajita but the rest just want the steak.

It was a nice accomplishment in the Kohler house last night!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


So, I'm having a bumper crop of cucumbers right now!  We have them coming out of our ears!  My favorite way to eat a cucumber is by slicing it up thinly and pouring vinegar and sugar on them.  Yummy!  But I'm trying to limit the sugar in my diet as well as the I'm subbing some Steevia in there too.  And NO ONE CAN TELL!

I'm also getting about 15 cherry tomatoes a day.  I can pop those like candy.  Sadly, I've eaten all of them so the kids and hubs have done without.  I'm trying to refrain for a few days though so we can have BLT's on Friday.  Only, the tomatoes are cherry will be a bit different.

And I got a new blender for my anniversary.  Well we gave it to each other.  It's a Blentec and it's quite amazing.  Our mornings have been full of protein shakes with kale and spinach, frozen fruits, protein powder and almond milk.  My Man has been trying to choke them down, haha!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


My garden is starting to produce!
Tomatoes and cucumbers so far!
A few blackberries too.
My zucchini plants got some kind of bug on them early on and are struggling...might not get many this year.