Saturday, December 11, 2010

Swiss Steak

More Paula Deen recipes being cooked up in my kitchen!

This one was for Swiss Steak.

I've had many versions of it and if Paula Deen makes a version, I'll try it.
Because anything Paula makes is awesome.
And easy.
And will have normal ingredients I can find in a normal grocery store.
Plus, I love her accent.
And the fact that she eats huge spoonfulls of everything she makes on camera.
Don't you?


Start out with these.

Fry up some of this.

Add a little of this to those onions and peppers.

And this.

And put it all (meat too) in the Crock Pot.
Cook it allllll day!

Then, a side dish called Cheese Noodles.
Also from Paula.

Start out with these.

Bake it up and it looks like this!

Oh yum!

Dinner's ready!

And in case you haven't read earlier posts, those green beans are heavenly because i put a whopping scoop of bacon grease on them before I cook them.
Bacon grease = delish!

Also of note - I have two of Paula earlier cookbooks but she does have two websites in which you can search her recipes.  Also can find them on Food Network's website.  She's easy to track people!  I've never been disappointed!  I've even been to her restaurant in Savannah.  Go ahead, be jealous!

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