Monday, November 21, 2011

Mock Thanksgiving

Whenever I say the word "mock" I think of the Friends episode when Monica made the "mock-late."  Does anyone remember that?  Speaking of Friends...if I were to sit and re-watch every episode I think I would get it in a whole new light.  I absolutely loved that show when I was in college (sitting in the chapter room with all my besties every Thursday).  But now that I'm a more seasoned woman (what?), I think I would love it even more. 

But my post today isn't about Friends.  It's about Thanksgiving. 

Last Friday night, I decided to have a Mock Thanksgiving with my little crew.  I knew whatever I made would never hold a candle to my mother-in-law's great cooking so the dinner I made would have to come before the real deal.  I got a little boneless turkey breast (3lbs) and roasted it in the oven.  I made green bean casserole (the good way with canned soup, canned green beans and those little onion thingies), mashed potatoes, turkey gravy from a packet, hot rolls (Rhodes frozen), and the real star of the show...Stovetop Stuffing.  How Betty Crocker am I?  The kids loved the turkcy (it really was easy and delish considering it was no work at all).  They tolerated the stovetop stuffing and green bean casserole.  And they loved the rolls and mashed potatoes/gravy.  For dessert, I had Christmas themed ice cream sandwiches for everyone.  It was a good meal!

Later on we made our traditional "Thankful Tree." I'll post more on that later...and probably over on The Kohler Kids side.

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