Monday, April 9, 2012

Pinterest Recipe: Strawberry Carrots

Pinterest, once again, was my motivation behind this little trick.

Simply drop a couple drops of orange food coloring into some melted white chocolate and dip strawberries in.

Then lay on wax paper and drizzle a little more on top.
I think the Pinterest picture was a bit more "lifelike" but my kids fell for it.

They gobbled them right up.
I put a few on each child's plate at dinner and it wasn't until dinner was almost over that #3 said, 
"Hey Mom, these strawberries look like carrots."
I looked at him, sure that he was kidding, he wasn't.
Then another child said,
"Hey, that's funny.  They're really just strawberries."
And another piped in,
"You just put orange stuff on the strawberries to make them look like carrots."
(Did you kids actually think you were eating carrots?  And that carrots taste like that?  Do you live in a box?  Are you crazy?)
I met My Man's eyes over their innocent (clueless) heads.  We exchanged a look that telepathically said,
"I swear I did not smoke crack when I was pregnant." 
"I swear I did not smoke weed and damage my little sperms."
And then, we just laughed.
And My Man commented that I was so sneaky and clever.

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