Another idea I'd heard about from other moms and had seen several recipes for was for Resurrection Rolls.
The day before Easter I saw it all over my Pinterest board and then decided it was something I wanted to do with the kids before church on Easter morning.
You take crescent rolls (the tomb) and put in a marshmallow (Jesus).
Dip the marshmallow in oil (butter) and spices (cinnamon and sugar) for the burial anointing.
Sometimes, we're just naked in our house.
Little Miss ate Jesus before I could wrap him in the tomb.
We had to try again.
Then wrap the tomb around Jesus and bake for 15 minutes or so.
My advice would be to either seal the edges of the tomb very very well next time or just use a couple of mini marshmallows instead.
Our marshmallows ended up all over and leaking out of the crescent rolls.
But we ate them anyway!
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