My #3 had a birthday.
He's now five-years-old!
I can't believe the time has gone by so fast.
Older ladies would always say these things to me, and I'd nod and agree.
But I never really understood fully what they meant.
I'm starting to.
Five years?
Seems like just yesterday he was placed into my arms.
His birth was my easiest.
And quite memorable because it was a slow day in the birthing unit and also a teaching day.
There were approximately 25 people in the birthing room the size of a half bath.
Most of them looked to be about 15 because they were still in college.
I politely told the high school boy that he was to stay up by my head.
I remember one of the students put my cath in wrong.
I'd had my epidural so I didn't feel the wrongness.
But my OB (whom I love more than I probably should) chewed her out pretty good.
I'd never seen that side of him.
But he quickly changed his tone and resumed his cheery sweetness as I pushed an almost nine-pounder out into this world!
So...sorry, back to the birthday!
#3 chose Transformer cupcakes for his birthday (his real birthday) treat.
These were incredibly tricky.
Box cake mix.
Pre-made icing.
Transformer sugar thingys.
Happy Birthday!
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