Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm Getting There!

We ARE eating here at the Kohler house!  This daylight savings time change has thrown me for a loop and while I feel like I'm preparing dinner at 3:00, I can't quite get my daughter to untangle herself from my legs for me to move switfly around the kitchen, much less take some pics of what I'm preparing.

I did take a few pics this week so far so I'm uploading them this morning.  I hope to post about them this week. 

And here's a question for it called "preparing 3 meals a day" if you only fix cereal or put some waffles in the toaster?  Because 6/7 days a week that's what we have for breakfast.  Occasionally I throw in some oatmeal and fruit or a granola bar.  But I feel like I'm lying when I say I prepare 3 meals a day because breakfast doesn't leave me covered in grease or flour.

And did you know that I don't really fix breakfast for My Man?  He usually heats up the leftovers from the night before (on his own).  It's true.  I'm surprised he even lets me sleep in bed next to him.

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