Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fried Round Steak

We have a few pieces of red meat left in the deep freeze and I'm trying to use it all up before our next load of beef comes in.
It's ready to be picked up!

Frying round steak is simple and tasty.
I grew up eating it, as did My Man.
Now our children are growing up eating it.

Round steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans.
The only thing missing was the bread.
Because I forgot to make it.

Simply season some flour and dip the round steak pieces in it.
Heat oil in a skillet and fry the steak about 3-4 minutes per side.
With the remaining oil, put enough flour to absorb it and add milk whisking continuously until the gravy is nice and thick.
Add more milk if it's too thick and don't forget the salt and pepper.
Give those green beans a big dose of bacon grease before cooking them!
I make PW mashed potatoes now (butter, cream cheese, Lowry's, s/p).

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