Wednesday, September 8, 2010


On Monday I made PW's Chicken w/ Olives.
Here's the cast:
minus the little puff thingys (those are my girl's).
My canned tomatoes are in my trusty Tupperware.

You brown up some chicken.
I used thighs and legs.
Because they are the best part of a chicken.
I realize I probably should have waited and taken the picture once the chicken was a bit more browned to save you from looking at raw chicken.

You throw all othe other ingredients into a big pot (basically) and let it simmer with the chicken for about an hour.
Serve over linguine (or spaghetti noodles if that's all you've got).

It was just OK.
No one ate the olives.
And the chicken didn't taste like I'd browned it first so it mostly tasted baked.
We aren't big baked chicken fans here.

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