Monday, September 6, 2010

This Week's Menu

Monday:  Today is Labor Day.  I'm laboring though.  Something's not right.
Chicken W/ Olives (PW recipe, we'll see how this goes tonight)  My Man was eyein' it on his way out the door to take the boys to football.
Garlic Bread
(I do have some leftover pizza from lunch on stand-by if my children decide they don't like it after their manditory 3 bites)

Tuesday:  Beef Stroganoff, Rosemary Rolls, Green Beans

Wednesday:  Kohler Enchiladas and Tacos

Thursday:  Lemon Chicken, rice

Friday:  Burgers, fries, mac-n-cheese

Saturday:  Church Movie Night (hotdogs and burgers provided)

Sunday:  Spaghetti Lunch at Church and Grilled Chicken w/ Spinach Rotel for dinner.

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