Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homemade Applesauce

Fall is a time when I like to make homemade applesauce.
The boys love to help me but this time, I made it while they were out somewhere with Daddy and my girl was napping.
Believe it or not, sometimes it's just easier to get stuff done in the kitchen without "helpers."

Lot's of people use lots of different recipes when they make applesauce.
I just wing it.
This time, I used Honey Crisp apples because they were on sale and they taste great!

Dice them up - I like them in big chunks.

Use fresh grated nutmeg if you can.
You really can tell a difference.

I also threw in some cinnamon (a lot actually), some white sugar, some brown sugar and some butter.

Did I tell you I use my Crock-pot?
It's one of my best friends!
I put it on low all day and by dinner time, the applesauce was perfect!
The boys came in and could smell the goodness..."yay!" they all said.

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