Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tuesday's Dinner

Here's what I used for the steak.
And no, that's not garlic salt in there.
It's just regular salt.
My momma recycled the bottle once and when the garlic salt was gone, she subbed in kosher salt.

Here's what you need for PW's Perfect Potatoes.

Sliced thin on my Pampered Chef mandolin.

Yes, that's cream and whole milk.

Here's the deal with the steak, don't judge just yet!
I am the griller in our house.
I only use charcoal.
Rather than cut the meat up, I just put one side over the coals a bit more than the other.
See the rather burny side?
That's "medium" for the kids.
The other side is for the adults because we like our "medium rare."

During the last few minutes of baking time, I sprinkled some cheddar on the potatoes.

Here's My Man's plate.
The meal was awesome!

PS - my pictures are all so yellow-y.  Sorry!

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